Such a great choice! I'm excited to read along with this group. Erika will be teaching one of the graduate courses at the University of St. Thomas this coming year for the new Sexuality and Gender graduate certificate! In case anyone is interested in learning more about that, the website is stthom.edu/SexualityandGender

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I already have a copy and was thinking I need a group for accountability and discussion to tackle this book. So excited!

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Ah! As a Catholic feminist mother and lawyer, this is so up my alley it’s ridiculous! I am so excited.

As an aside, as a female lawyer I don’t think I can ever stop loving RBG 😭 we are all so flawed, but she was truly such a brave and generous person. (She and her husband were prominent figures at my alma mater, Georgetown). This will be a good chance to wrestle with all of that.

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This sounds very intriguing. I may be late to the party, Claire, but how would you compare this to Abigail Favale’s, Genesis of Gender (sorry if you’ve spoken About this already)? I read Abigail’s book last summer with a group of friends and we had really great discussions! I recognize a few names you mentioned above bc of that reading.

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Yaaay! I started reading this a few months ago, but I set it down (about 1/4 way done) because it's a little dense! It's so good, but I've abandoned it for easier reading as my brain is fried from motherhood a lot of the time lol. Reading it in the company of other smart women is just what I need!

I was talking with someone recently about the difference in the arguments of Carrie Gress vs. Erika. Though I did like The End of Woman generally, something felt overly simplistic about it, and The Rights of Women is filling in the gaps for me (and keeping me hopeful about the reclamation of feminism). It's an amazing book and I'm looking forward to reading it with you all (and talking with Erika!).

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Intrigued - looking forward to a read along, which hopefully I can juggle with everything else.

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Yay for Summer Read ALong! I'm in! And the dates coincide perfectly with planned moments over the next few months, so that is providential.

Regarding the traditional notes, I've been thinking lately that there are a number of passionate converts who are sharing lots of thoughts through wonderful resources like the Ascension app and the Augustine institute but I keep wondering if they have a bishop who is helping keep the conversation in the magisterium? I'm a convert and I have been watching with alarm the way some of those conversations are moving.

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Looks to be quite the read and, seeing this comment thread, quite the conversation. Just added it to my Goodreads TBR list and will get it now so I can read ahead to accommodate my reading speed and upcoming travel schedule. I am very excited for this.

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What time is the group meeting?

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Oh yeah. A favorite book I read in 2022.

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