I'm not sure if this is part of the plan, but I would LOVE to see pictures of the orphanage and either before/after pictures if they can, or progress pictures of the project! So grateful and blessed to see how quickly everyone responded to this invitation, and how much of a difference it can make for the sisters and the orphans! God truly does provide with whatever we bring, and I'm proud to call myself pro-life! Thank you for setting this up and making this happen, Claire and Rebecca!!! I miss you both so much and continue to pray for you, and now I've added to my prayers the Hogar Data Juan de Dios!

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I love that you called out that this was God's plan being way better than your plan. I feel like it's so much more common to recognize God's plan as the disruptions to life, but when things go better than we planned it's seen as a bi-product of the hard work of humans, or maybe that's just me. Either way, your framing is inspiring me to look for ways God's plan is better in my own life. And not just in the rearview mirror, seeing the good in something I thought was bad, but seeing the plain ol' good as his direct work in my life.

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