I really enjoyed this, Claire! It made me think of this passage from Caryll Houselander’s “The Reed of God” where she says “If we had a picture of Our Lady's personality we might be dazzled into thinking that only one sort of person could form Christ in himself, and we should miss the meaning of our own being.” When I (sooo often) find Mary completely un-relatable it’s almost always because I’m projecting all of my perfectionistic ideas and beliefs onto her and completely forget that she was a whole human being with an actual personality and interests and ideas. Like, maybe we even have a lot in common. She also writes “a very great many people still think of Our Lady as someone who would never do anything that we do.” So, I don’t know but maybe some of that trolling of the trad wives online is a way of diffusing the angst we have about all the ways we’re failing to live up to that unattainable standard that isn’t even real. Like you said, assigning morality to things that aren’t actually a moral issue.

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This quote is so good: "Anger is typically sadness with no place to go, and sadness can often come from woundedness while pretending it was a gift from someone else. It’s a trickster like that."

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This was such a fantastic examination of conscience type read-I know I can fall into the judgement trap/a defensive posture as a Mom, so I really appreciated this reminder to see the good in others, offer the grace I wish to receive, and celebrate femininity in all the forms it takes

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This is excellent. As a more traditionally-leaning woman (who was raised in progressive Minneapolis, by a work outside the home single mom), oftentimes the think pieces on tradwives (a label I personally don’t use for myself) feel cruel, and frankly anti feminist. True feminism is trusting women to make the best choices for themselves, even if we don’t personally care for or desire to emulate them. This includes eliminating the desire to assume internalized misogyny. For the vast majority of left leaning, of course secular folks, there’s a mix of judgmental pity mixed with awed envy of anyone who is choosing another path. I’ve sometimes blended my passion with prescription because I’m not perfect, but what’s really missing from these conversations is exactly what you’re saying— we need to examine why someone’s life choices is disturbing our peace.

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Beautiful! May we bless and honor each other

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Great article, Claire! and thank you for the shoutout!

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Love this! (And wasn't this the theme of the Barbie movie?)

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You know, I still haven't seen Barbie! I'll have to find a time to rent it after we get through the holidays.

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